Optics: Astro Physics RH305, Planewave CDK17
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Camera: SBIG STXL 16200, SBIG STXL 11002
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Sii,Ha,Oiii, RGB
Dates/Times: April 2012, March,April 2021
Location: New South Wales, Australia, Rio Hurtado Chile
Exposure Details: SHO Image,RH305 30x30min; CDK17,NGC 3199 74x30min, for a total of 104 images over 52 hours
Acquisition: MaxIm DL
Processing: To match the scales the size of the RH305 image was doubled in size and the CDK17 image were roughly scaled by two thirds. A composite image was made for Ha, Sii, Oiii from the images of the 3 image and then processing was done. MaxIm DL, StarNet++ used to remove stars in color SHO images. Photoshop CC2020 used to create Synthetic Luminance and to add color with color blending mode. Stars were done with RGB filters and were toned down to give emphasis to the nebula.