
Full Moon, September 2017

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Moon This image was created from 120 separate exposures on a Canon 5D Mark IV camera. It was then loaded into Photoshop CC2017 as separate layers using Bridge. Once in PS auto align images was used under the edit menu, using the auto method. Then the stack was converted into a smart object in the layers menu, and then under smart objects, select stack mode, and then the medium stack method was selected. The Wiener filter in Pixinsight was used to de-blur the image and final processing was done in Photoshop CC2019.

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Optics: 12.5″ f/8 Planewave CDK125
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount MX+
Camera: Canon 5D MarkIII
Filters: none
Dates/Times: September 2017
Location: Adler Earth and Sky Observatory, Jackson Hole, WY
Exposure Details: 120 pictures, 1/2500, ISO 1000
Acquisition: TheSkyX, APT
Processing: PIPP, AutoStakkert 3, Pixinsight, Photoshop CC2019