
Messier 20, Trifid Nebula, Combined LRGB & Narrowband

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $52.50.

Messier 20, Trifid Nebula,Messier 20 known as the Trifid nebula, it lies about 5000 light years away toward the nebula rich constellation Sagittarius. It is only about 300,000 years old, making it among the youngest emission nebulae known. The Trifid Nebula is about 40 light-years across and almost covers the area of a full moon in the sky. It is too faint to be seen unaided but can be seen with binoculars.  The Trifid  illustrates three different types of astronomical nebulae; red emission nebula dominated by light from hydrogen atoms, blue reflection nebula produced by dust reflecting starlight, and dark nebula where dense dust clouds block the light. The red emission region is roughly separated into three parts by these obscuring dust clouds which lends the Trifid its popular name. New stars are being formed within these dark clouds of gas and dust.  The single massive star visible near the center causes much of the Trifid’s glow. It causes the Hydrogen gas in the center to become excited to a high energy state and then drops back to its ground state by emitting the prominent red light in the image. The star’s light is also scattered by clouds of dust surrounding the center region giving it the bluish color. This image combines light from regular broadband filters together with light filtered by atomic filters that allow only red light emitted by Hydrogen gas and blue light from Oxygen gas to pass through. The effect of this is to provide more detail in the image.A zoomed in version which shows the detail in the center of the nebula can be seen by following this link.

A comparison can be made with the true color version of this image without the narrowband atomic filter images by following the link below.Messier 20, Trifid Nebula, LRGB True Colo



Optics:  Planewave CDK17
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Camera: SBIG STXL 11002
Filters:  LRGB & Astrodon 3nmHa,Oiii
Dates/Times:April 2020
Location:   New South Wales, Australia
Exposure Details: L,RGB 48 images, 16 hours, L,HaR,G,OiiiB 84 images, 36 hours
Acquisition: MaxIm DL
Processing: For the LRGB image, the RGB color image is done in MaximDl and LRGB final image is done in PS 22.5 using luminance & color blending modes. For the L,HaR,G,OiiiB combined image here, the Red channel is done in PS by blending Ha & R images using the screen blending mode, the Blue channel  is done by blending Oiii & B images using the screen blending mode, the  final HaR,G,OiiiB color  image is done in PS by pasting the combined Red and Blue channels together with the Green channel in PS Channels. Luminance and color  is then blended in PS using the color blending mode.