Optics:Tahahashi FSQ106, Astro Physics RH305, Planewave CDK17
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Camera: Various
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Sii, Ha, Oiii
Dates/Times: Various
Location: Rio Hurtado, Chile, Heavens Mirror New South Wales, Australia
Exposure Details: SHO Image, total 232 images taken over 113 hours
Acquisition: MaxIm DL
Processing: MaxIm DL, StarNet++ used to remove stars in color SHO images, Photoshop CC2020 used to create Synthetic Luminance and to add color with color blending mode. FSQ 106 and RH305 images upscaled to match scale of CDK17. One FSQ image, two RH305 images and three CDK17 images made into a composite