
RCW 104, CDK24

Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $52.50.

RCW 104, RCW 104 is an oval shaped emission nebula close to the plane of our Milky Way in the southern constellation of Norma. It is part of 180 objects of the RCW catalogue. The emission material is being expanded by the strong stellar winds produced by the star WR 75 near the center of the image. Wolf Rayet stars are extremely hot. Their surface temperatures range from 30,000 k to around 200,000 k, hotter than almost all other stars. They have broad spectra, but lack in hydrogen. This image is made using narrowband 3nm filters that capture emissions from Sulfur, Hydrogen and Oxygen gases.  These emissions are created because of ultraviolet light from these massive OB stars  excite the Sulfur, Hydrogen and Oxygen gases which then re radiate light at their characteristic wavelengths. The Red color comes from Sulfur emission,  Green from Hydrogen emission  and the Blue from Oxygen emission.  The image was taken with a 24″ Planewave telescope located in Rio Hurtado, Chile.


Optics: Planewave 24″ CDK24
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME
Camera: Movarian C3-61000
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Ha, Oiii, RGB
Dates/Times: June 2023
Location: Rio Hurtado, El Sauce, Chile Martin Pugh Observatory
Exposure Details: CDK24,Ha=15x20min,Oiii=30x20min, Sii=20x20min R,G,B =10x3min, total 95 images, 23 hours
Acquisition: MaxIm DL
Processing:  MaxIm DL for calibration, stacking,and color combining with NB in Red in Sii, Ha Green, Oiii in Blue,  BlurX, StarX, NoiseX Terminator, Photoshop CC2023 for combining SHO image with RGB stars