Optics: James Webb Space Telescope(JWST)
Mount: JWST
Camera:NIRCAM(JWST Near Infrared Camera)
Filters:NIRCAM 405n-444w, 212n, 115w
Dates/Times: March 2023
Location: Lagrange Point 2 orbit, ~1 million miles from Earth
Exposure Details: NIRCAM 1288s
Acquisition: Downloaded from the MAST archive
Processing: Maximdl was used to stretch and align the data from the three filters and then create a color image. Red used the 405n image, green used the 212n image and blue used the 115w image. StarX Terminator was used to remove some of the stars and the remainder was done using PS 2023 Camera Raw by hand using the Healing brush and the content aware tool. The problem was that many of the stars had dark centers which the StarX did not remove. Post processing done in PS 2023 and the stars from the 115W filter image were added back.